some ps3 games for sale!!!

need monies, thus selling games! PS3 games that is!

1. farcry 2 on ps3. $30. Mint in box and has manual!~

2. heavenly sword $20 case and manual!~

3. juiced 2 hot import nights – ps3 $30
(this one is quite fun for drifting etc!)

4. resistance 2 ps3 $30. shooter = fun!

5. afro samurai ps3 $30
its a huge cult classic! tad bit violent (which gives you bonuses of how you chop the enemy up ahha) – id recommend you watch the anime as well!

6. Ninja gaiden sigma ps3 $20.
Ooohh yeah! doesn’t get much cooler then this…

7. prototype ps3. $30 * i’ve got this one listed on trademe so if you get it off me here you’ll save $5!
once again a fun game. I’d get this before you play part 2 as it’ll fill in a HUGE blank…

8. Transformers war for cybertron!!!! ps3 $30 SOLD ON TM…

thanks for taking the time to look! 😀 please pass this on to any potential buyers! and hey there’ real cheeeep Christmas prezzies for people who have the ps3 that you know of!!

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